Saturday, July 24, 2010

wow, time flies when you are having fun...even when you are not...

View from the former Gma Jeanie Room looking into the kitchen.
View looking into the former Gma Jeanie Room...

This is what it looked like after the floor was tore up and ready for the sander-man to do his tricks.

Insulation...not too bad..but it could be a nasty job!

kitchen floor .. look at the beautiful hardwood floor shining through... ok, you have to use your imagination -- just a little... the floors turned out great!

kitchen view looking into the former Gma Jeanie Room.

Maddy taking a rest in the sitting area.... that will be demolished next!
Lubbie helping out the demo team.... destroying the sitting area in the former Gma Jeanie room.

We felt that an update was in order....four months without a post was unacceptable.

Another school year has ended... summer school came and left.... swim lessons.... baseball..... softball... birthday parties... bon fires .... working .... weddings.... fry outs... bike riding and Rosie running (with all the kids & both dogs) with a layover at the local DQ .... camping..... outings.... jumping on the trampoline.... working.... swimming in Elkhart Lake.... TORNADOS.... a mystery day trip to Wisconsin Dells enjoying a waterpark and with a picnic lunch back at the van before heading home..... Tupperware Parties... golfing.... working.....a few cold beverages and snacks, you name it, it has been done these past four months.... Maddy said the only thing we haven't done yet this summer is boating...that's because Scott moved to Eagle River in June and the boats went with him! Though Maddy will take a trip up there with Rosie before too long.

YES, even home REMODELING..... you didn't think we would let a few months go by without a project now did you??

Jody and Jeremy now have a functioning kitchen with dining room (you can fit the dining room table with both leaves in, and still be able to walk around!!! YIPPEE) ..... a lot of work, but oh so worth it all... Many will be able to enjoy this project for years to come!! See the before and after pictures to get a good appreciation of the fruits of our labors!!!

We knocked out the wall that separated the kitchen from the former Gma Jeanie Room, took all the nasty wallpaper down, tore up the kitchen flooring (lineoleum {sp?}and tile and lots and lots of staples!!) we ended up taking the plaster wall down to the studs (oh fun!) -- back in the day, their theory must have been "just use longer nails {4"}, they will hold it in place forever!" and lots of them, added insulation, removed the two closets and sitting bench, removed the old sofit in the kitchen ... VACUUM, VACUUM, VACUUM... the dust was horrible!

Tried to shut off the water in the kitchen, but due to the age of the home, they didn't install main shut off it was... that is extremely difficult when the house has three bathrooms and three times as many people wanting to use a toilet with the water off!!!

We can't forget to mention that we had to prime and paint the ceiling and walls too -- three coats on ceiling and two on the walls!!!
We will try to post again before school starts again and with the furniture back in the kitchen....!!! LOL

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