Friday, November 21, 2008

Play date

Today the kids and I (I-59) had a play date with a friend of mine from school. She lives close but we don't see much of one another anymore. She has two girls, age 2 & 1. Maddie and the girls played very well together, while my friend and I got caught up on things. She also got a tour of our new home. The kids watched Dora, both Maddy and her daughters like Dora. We then went and had lunch then it was time to call it a day, as all of the kids were ready for a nap. Hoping to get together again before she moves an hour and a half away. However, that will give me an excuse to get away for the day. She is going to be moving close to a big mall and a children's museum.

The Assistant and I are off for a night of card making party at a friend's house. Jeremy is stuck home with the kids.

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